Energy Healing Through Reiki

Energy Healing Through Reiki

At Reiki and Health, Jackie offers energy healing through Reiki to adults, children, as well as animals.

Jackie can certify others to do Reiki on themselves and others, as practitioners or masters. She offers Usui Riki training and gives private attunements during her classes as part of the curriculum.

Jackie connects via phone or video to go over the customer’s problems or what they are looking for. She performs a session and will also go over the results of the session.


Jackie combines 4 different modalities to heal whenever guided to do so.

In Person Reiki 60 minutes $200.00
5 x In person Sessions $850.00

During In Person Reiki session the client lays down (or sits down, if can’t lay down, which needs to be communicated in advance) fully clothed and eyes closed with eye mask. The healer uses hands on the client to channel in energy.
For more information, please contact Jackie.

Child Reiki 30 minutes $80.00
5 x Child Sessions $360.00

Child Reiki is same as In Person Reiki Session, but for shorter time.
For more information, please contact Jackie

Animal Reiki 30 minutes $65.00
5 x Animal Sessions $300.00

Animal Reiki is done in person or distantly.
For more information, please contact Jackie.

Distant Reiki 30 minutes $120.00
5 x Distant Sessions $525.00

During Distant Reiki the client needs to be lying down with eyes closed and have no distractions. At the same time the healer is working on their energy. After the 30 minutes, the client can call the healer, if they have questions.
The healer needs the client’s current photo for distant healing.
For more information, please contact Jackie.

Reiki Certification Class I $300.00
Reiki Certification Class II $400.00
Reiki Master Certification $900.00

Reiki Certification I and II are required before taking Reiki Master class.
A person must have at least 8 months of practices after Reiki II certification before taking Reiki Master class.
For more information, please contact Jackie.

Therapeutic Sessions 60 minutes $75.00
5 x Therapeutic Sessions $325.00

Therapeutic Sessions are for clients that need help communicating better with loved ones for better relationships, friendships and more.
For more information, please contact Jackie.

House blessing 30 minutes $100.00 distantly

House blessing 30 minutes $140.00 in person

Blessing of your home is very important because there are time when you may bring negative energy or entities into your home and you may not know it. All you know is that things start going wrong, too many negative things happening one after the other. This is when Jackie in person or distantly ( distantly, she need a video of your home inside and out to be able to do the work) cleanses the negative and does the blessings. You will notice dramatic change in the energy of the home and everyone living there.
For more information, please contact Jackie.

Heart Curse Removal $500.00

People accumulate Heart Curse during their life anytime negative things/people effect their heart energetically or even being around negative people.
The Heart Curse Removal can be done only once or twice a year.
For more information, please contact Jackie.

Childhood Trauma Clearing 30 minutes $150.00
In person or distantly

Childhood trauma can show up in a person’s energy even if they had a great childhood. Because children are very open to energy, they can keep negative energy even when someone or something hurt them physically, emotionally or energetically and that can show up as an adult to be cleared. During the session the healer asks questions and the client is responding and repeating sentences that come up. There may be a need for more than one session.
For more information, please contact Jackie.

Energy Block Removal $120.00 (12 items)
3 x Energy Block Removal $300.00 (36 items)

Any area of the life people are stuck or keep getting negative results, can mean energy is blocked and needs to be removed. These are generic items for each area of a person’s life.
For more information, please contact Jackie.

Aura Cleansing 30 minutes $100.00

Aura is the energy field around a person that can attract good or bad energy. By cleansing the Aura a person is insuring to have pure energy that can attract more positive into their life. Aura cleansing can be done monthly or even weekly, in person or distantly.
For more information, please contact Jackie.

Custom Block Removal $180.00 (12 items)
3 x Custom Block Removal $500.00 (36 items)

Custom Blocks are specific areas that a person needs stuck energy removed, therefore, the client has to provide specific sentences to the healer.
For more information, please contact Jackie.